For Russia, the War is Not Existential
Putin hasn't bet his regime on winning in Ukraine-Here's how we know and what that means for the West
The two sides in the war in Ukraine have unequal stakes in the outcome. For Ukraine, the war is an existential one. For Russia, the war is one of choice. This asymmetry is central to understanding the behavior of the belligerents, particularly in anticipating Russian behavior as Russia continues to see defeats on the battlefield. If Russia were to understand the war as an existential struggle, there would be a serious risk of escalation and both Western and Ukrainian policy would have to adapt accordingly.
Some commentators, particularly of the “realist” school, have argued we should take Putin at his word that the war in Ukraine is an existential one for Russia. There are a number of reasons to doubt that this is the case. The first is the basic fact that this war is not taking place on Russian soil. Russia is invading another country. It is a foreign, imperial war, a war of choice. There is no possibility of Russia’s adversary annexing Russia, or setting up a puppet regime out of Moscow. These outcomes are real concerns for Ukraine. On this basis alone, it seems clear that the war cannot be an existential one for Russia in that its adversary has no means of threatening its existence. However, the counterargument to this point is that while Russia’s existence as a sovereign state is not threatened, the war is nevertheless an existential one for the regime.
Yet, no comprehensive explanation has been provided for a mechanism by which defeat in Ukraine might bring about the end of the Putin regime. It is certainly true that Russian nationalists that have accepted the state line on the necessity of war in Ukraine may be disillusioned by the abandonment of the cause they have been sold. If there is a significant portion of the Russian population that truly believes the Ukrainians are Nazis are seeking to commit genocide against the Russian people, contradicting this narrative by making peace would be dangerous for the regime. In this case, failure in Ukraine would result in massive domestic discontent that would bring down the regime.
However, there is good reason to be skeptical of this view. Putin has gone to great lengths to utilize crypto-mobilization and avoid public involvement in the war. The Russian public cannot be accurately characterized as a horde of fanatics, ravenous for revenge on the Nazi Ukrainians. Instead, the Russians are generally apolitical, apathetic, and hold ambivalent, but largely positive feelings towards Putin’s regime. Thus, when Putin says war is justified, they are inclined to believe him. At the same time, were the war to end tomorrow, they will believe Putin when he claims to be justified in ending it. Their stance on the war is derived entirely from Putin, because the extent of their engagement with politics is approving of him.
There is, of course, an ideological minority. This group is often associated with the mil-blogger community, which both the proxy group Wagner and the Ministry of Defense have sought to appease. Yet, this community remains both small and distant from actual levers of power. The mil-bloggers are not Kremlin insiders, or high ranking officials in the Ministry of Defense, or a cadre of officers in the armed forces. They are a group of political hobbyists that have gained prominence in the Russian information sphere on account of their willingness to rabidly back the invasion of Ukraine. Defeat in Ukraine would certainly test their loyalty. However, their limited numbers and influence mean that, even were the entire mil-blogger community to oppose Putin, they would stand no chance of deposing him. The same security forces that have suppressed protests opposing the war would act to secure Putin’s regime against protestors that objected to the end of the war. If Putin was forced to abandon his ambitions in Ukraine and mil-bloggers began to speak out against him as a result, it is likely that they would soon find themselves rubbing shoulders with Alexei Navalny.
Putin has successfully insulated himself both from elite threats, by making the oligarchs dependent on him, and from popular threats, by ensuring the loyalty of the security services and preventing opposition from organizing. Political freedom in Russia has been harshly curtailed over the duration of the war. The criminalization of speech deemed derogatory to the armed forces has created a pervasive atmosphere of fear where self-censorship occurs out of fear of denunciation by “patriotic” acquaintances.
Further, Putin has little reason to fear popular opinion to turn against him if Russia is defeated in Ukraine. Public opinion research has shown that the public, in general, does not have discrete policy preferences. Participation in politics functions primarily as an expression of identity. Voters support candidates because they like what voting for that candidate says about them. Elections are primarily a case of voters asking “Am I the kind of person who supports candidate A, or the kind of person who supports candidate B?” In this way, for the majority of people, voting is not a rational weighing of what policies they might prefer-the average voter is not interested in the details of politics-voting is instead an opportunity to assert one’s identity.
This ties back into the political climate of Russia in that the public supports Putin and therefore, as a consequence, supports the war. If Putin were forced to end the war, the public would sooner abandon the war than abandon their support for Putin. The war is a matter of policy that Russian propaganda has succeeded in making sufficiently confusing so as to evocate at minimum ambivalence. Putin retains the same qualities that drew support whether the war is won or lost. To move from supporting Putin to opposing him means either a change in how one identifies or what it means to support Putin. Losing the war does not change either of those factors, and as such is unlikely to have dramatic effect on public support for Putin. Just as the path of least resistance was to ambivalently follow Putin into war, the public will ambivalently follow Putin into defeat. Those apathetic to the outbreak of war are unlikely to be particularly motivated by its conclusion.
Those who argue the war is existential for Russia, such as Professor John Mearsheimer, have rightly pointed out that whether or not the war is actually existential for Russia is far less important than whether Russian leadership perceives it as existential, regardless of the reality. If Putin believes that losing the war in Ukraine means the end of Russia or the end of his regime, he will act in accordance with that belief. However, neither I, nor those who claim that Putin believes this, have the ability to know his innermost thoughts. Instead, we must look at Russia’s actions, and examine them to determine whether or not its leadership seems to believe it is in an existential struggle.
A key point of evidence is the fact that Russian leadership has been utterly unwilling to provide any measurable or concrete definition of victory. This is deliberate as it allows the regime to better control the narrative regarding what victory or defeat looks like. The attempt to seize Kyiv with airborne forces in the first hours of the war indicates that the war was begun with maximalist intentions. Russia hoped for a swift collapse of the Ukrainian government, which would permit it to pursue objectives such as regime change or wholesale annexation. This effort failed dramatically and at high cost to the Russians. In the aftermath, the Russian army abandoned vast swathes of territory near Kyiv and the focus of the offensive shifted south. This represented a shift towards a long-war strategy, and Russian rhetoric shifted from “de-Nazifying Ukraine” to emphasizing the liberation of Donbas and Luhansk.
When push came to shove, the Russians chose to abandon ambitions of taking Kyiv and instead took actions that indicate malleability of political objectives. This evidence suggests that Russia leadership is deliberately setting information conditions so that it is not apparent what “winning” or “losing” the war would look like from within the Russian propaganda bubble. This vagueness has weakened the regime’s ability to drum up public support for the war, however, as I’ve argued, regime security is better served by keeping the Russian public politically apathetic than by increasing public participation in the war, even if that would increase the likelihood of victory in the long term. This is not demonstrative of the “win at all costs” attitude we would expect to see if the Russians believed the war to be an existential one.
When we examine Russia’s actions, we therefore see evidence not of a regime fighting for its survival, but one that is hedging its bets and actively taking measures to limit the effects that defeat in Ukraine would have on regime security. We can also see that Russia does not view the war as existential through what has not been done. Russia, despite its many rhetorical references to its nuclear capabilities, has not taken any steps to alter its nuclear posture. It has utilized exclusively crypto-mobilization, eschewing the conventional sources of manpower. Furthermore, from the outset, Russia has framed the war as a “special military operation” rather than a war outright. While, more recently, Russian leadership has begun to use the term “war,” a special military operation is not a framing that suggests a conflict is existential. Putin clearly prioritizes domestic stability over victory in Ukraine, an order of priorities which is only possible if he does not believe the former depends on the latter.
Ultimately, then, there is a fundamental asymmetry in the political stakes of the war in Ukraine for the two belligerents. Russia is not committed to victory in the same manner that Ukraine is. It is for this reason that the West may supply arms to Ukraine and seek to inflict a decisive defeat upon Russia without fear of the consequences of backing Russia into a corner. There is no need to provide Russia with an “off-ramp.” Putin’s hold on power does not depend on the generosity of the West. The regime will look after its own security and has been insulating itself from domestic backlash from the outset. Ukraine and the West should therefore not be dissuaded from inflicting a decisive defeat on the Russian Federation.